The Free Spirit Delicacies Book Club
A creative cluster of human hearts connecting over a collective experience.

(information below)
Our collective journey, or as Julia Cameron calls it " creative cluster," begins with The Artist's
Way. An interactive book including morning pages, one *short* chapter a week, along with an artist date (this could be as simple as a hike or museum visit).

The Artist's Way informational meeting is this Saturday at 10am EST February 10th on Zoom + offered at a residence in the Highlands. Ben Short of In Lightning and I will facilitate what the 12-week series entails, set " Sacred Circle Guidelines," and discover intentions while answering any remaining questions.
If you are unable to attend the February 10th
session, meeting notes will be provided. In addition to weekly meeting notes, for those completing collectively in spirit
- as we understand life happens & for some, it's easier to complete The Artist's
Way solo.

Our peer to peer run group will act as a collective of human hearts showing up to do hard things and adhere to spiritual principles of creative recovery. Our next " creative cluster " will meet to go over the Introduction & Chapter 1 on Sunday, February 18th, at 12:30pm, with the last meeting taking place on May 5th.
If you are reading this after Saturday February 10th and would like to join our creative cluster for The Artist's Way, please email with the subject line of " The Artist's Way ". I will be happy to set you up with our Meeting Notes. In addition, you will need to purchase your book and read the following: Spiritual Principles, Introduction, and Chapter 1. Please complete your morning pages, Chapter 1 exercise and Artist Date before Sunday February 18th.
Cheers. To the extraordinary journey of spiritual and artistic recovery.
Art is an act of the soul,
Elise Dixie Jane