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Herbal Clinical Intake

Herbal Clinical Intake

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We believe true wellness arises when we re-align ourselves with the rhythms and elements of nature. We believe that all physical, mental, and emotional issues are interconnected. Additionally, symptoms that manifest physically are very often caused by imbalances in our energetic body. To heal holistically, one must address and nurture one's entire being.

During the free Herbal Consultation, we will meet for fifteen minutes to discuss your interest with Plant Medicine and what working together would look like. If we decide to work together, you will be emailed a detailed Herbal Clinical Intake Questionaire and invoice for your 90 minute Clinical Intake.

With your approval and input, a comprehensive Herbal protocol will be curated within 48 hours after your Clinical Intake. The consultations are here to help navigate your health through the process of using herbs safely and effectively. While providing education for you to become an advocate on your herbal journey.

Pricing is $88 for your Initial Clinical Intake. The initial intake will last no more than 90 minutes. Additional Clinical follow up appointments will cost $55 per 60 minutes. Charges incur on visit and include research time that is outside of our visit. A sliding scale is offered for those unable to pay the above prices, as I am happy to work something out. In return, please be respectful of my time and energy - without abusing services.

Please Note: I do not provide consulting via email, text or on Social Media platforms. If you wish to make an appointment, please call (not text) 502-641-8696 or request by email I complete all consults via in person on our Urban Homestead near Bowman Field off 264 (alternate locations available) or through Zoom (video appointment). In lieu of rain, I will provide the Consultation inside of my living room or an agreed upon location.

If you are coping with physical illness, emotional pain, chronic stress, or if you simply want to nurture your current state of health and balance, Free Spirit Delicacies is honored to offer professional and compassionate guidance on your healing journey.

If we choose to work together, our time is built around your needs. Whether you want me to provide the herbal medicine recommendations, physical products, or teach you how to grow your own and make your own plant medicine.